To anyone who is reading this I really ask for there to be no judgement about how bad this news made me feel. The loss of a console really should not have reduced me to tears but it really felt like the passing of something really important to me. Probably would acquaint to the similar feeling of when a pet dies.
My 360 red-ringed about a month ago we were playing a game of Lego Star Wars and after a few failed attempts to revive it I had to go to bed early because I was not exactly feeling good during the day and Red Ring of Death was just the last straw.
It took me about 3 weeks to send it off to try to get it fixed because that was how long it took before I felt comfortable in my finances (unemployment sucks). I waited for a week and then it arrived back partially dismantled with a letter explaining why they were unable to fix it. They enclosed a cheque refunding me pack the money minus postage meaning I have £45 back.
This may sound cheesy but since this console was around for a large portion of my life I would really like this post to stand as a thank you to it for being there for me and giving me so much joy.
I will be keeping the harddrive so that our times playing Halo 3, Fable 2, Mass Effect, Lego Star Wars, Lego Batman, Tekken 6, Bayonetta, Perfect Dark Zero, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2, SoulCalibur IV, Grand Theft Auto IV, Fallout 3, Assassin’s Creed and the game that started it all (Viva Pinata) can be continued another time.
So thank you old friend. It’s been great.